Call now to see if Simplecedure is right for you: 469-697-6437

Ganglion Cyst

We Know Hands! Speak with a specialist.

Find out if Simplecedure™– the quick, minimally invasive procedure that doesn’t require general anesthesia – can provide the relief you’re looking for.

Lower Cost, Same Day, No Hospital Stay

Benefits Simplecedure Hospital Surgery
Reduced risk of infection
Lower risk from anesthesia
Quicker recovery time
More personalized care
Lower cost
Familiarity with the setting

What are the most common symptoms of a Ganglion Cyst?

Ganglion cysts are space occupying lesions and as such may cause variable amounts of discomfort or pain depending on size or location.

  • Pain tends to be a constant, annoying, dull ache that may radiate up the arm.
  • May interfere with the range of motion of the wrist.
  • May interfere with grip strength or movement of the associated fingers.
  • Pain when extending the wrist such as pushing off from a seated position, doing a push up or a plank position in yoga.


The symptoms of Ganglion Cycts may be similar to other medical conditions or problems. See one of our providers for a diagnosis.

Call us at 469-697-6437 for faster answers OR send us a message and we’ll get back to you right away!


Advantages to our procedure include:

Lower cost

Simple, in-office procedure

Easy & convenient

Less pain

Less invasive

More time with Doctor

Quick procedure

Drive yourself

Mid-procedure feedback

No general anesthesia

Less pain after procedure

Safer with fewer complications

Fewer pain medications

High success rate

Less interruption to your life

1. Reduced risk of infections

One of the biggest risks of surgery is the possibility of infection. Hospitals are a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses, and despite the best efforts of healthcare workers, infections can still occur. An in-office Simplecedure, on the other hand, is performed in a much cleaner environment. The risk of infection is greatly reduced because the procedure is performed in a controlled, sterile setting.

2. Lower risk from anesthesia

General anesthesia is an essential part of most surgeries and can be a significant risk factor. Anesthesia complications can be severe and potentially life-threatening. With the Simplecedure in-office process, we only require local anesthesia, which is much safer and cause fewer complications than general anesthesia used in hospitals.

3. Quicker recovery times

Having Simplecedure done in the office means that you will go home the same day. In fact, most of our procedures will get you in and out of the office within an hour. This means that you can recover in the comfort of your own home, rather than in a hospital bed. Patients who have in-office procedures also have shorter recovery times and experience less pain and discomfort.

4. More Personalized Care

In a hospital setting, you are often just a number. The staff and doctor may not have the time or resources to provide you with the individualized care and attention you need. With the Simplecedure in-office setting, you will receive personalized care from your physician and their staff with the goal of making your procedure as easy as possible for you and your family members.

5. Lower costs
Hospital stays can be expensive, and the cost of a surgical procedure in a hospital can be astronomical. In-office procedures are often much more affordable because they do not require the same level of resources or facilities as a hospital. And no one wants to spend more money on medical expenses when a more convenient and safer option like Simplecedure is available.
6. Convenience
Having Simplecedure done in an office setting is more convenient than going to a hospital. You can schedule your appointment at a time that works best for you. All this means you do not have to worry about the difficult task of navigating a large hospital facility or the night before surgery prep. And with Simplecedure, in most cases, you can drive yourself home.
7. Familiarity with the setting
For many people, hospitals can be intimidating and stressful. Having a Simplecedure done in an office setting can help alleviate most of that anxiety. You are in a familiar setting, surrounded by people you know and trust, and able to talk to the doctor as the procedure is done.

Welcome to BetterWay Medical Group, your trusted destination for effective ganglion cyst treatment and removal. Our advanced procedure, Simplecedure, offers a same-day, lower-cost solution without the need for a hospital stay. If you’re suffering from the discomfort of ganglion cysts, we have the expertise and resources to provide the relief you’re seeking.

Ganglion cysts are space-occupying lesions that can cause varying degrees of discomfort and pain depending on their size and location. One of the most common symptoms is a constant, annoying, dull ache that may radiate up the arm. These cysts can also interfere with the range of motion in your wrist, grip strength, and movement of associated fingers. Activities such as extending the wrist, doing push-ups, or practicing yoga can be painful.

At BetterWay Medical Group, our experienced specialists understand the impact ganglion cysts can have on your daily life. That’s why we offer Simplecedure, a quick and minimally invasive procedure that provides effective results without the need for general anesthesia. Our approach ensures a reduced risk of infection, lower risk from anesthesia, quicker recovery time, and more personalized care compared to traditional hospital surgery.

With Simplecedure, you’ll experience numerous advantages. Firstly, our procedure is performed in a controlled and sterile setting, significantly reducing the risk of infection compared to hospitals, where bacteria and viruses thrive. Secondly, by utilizing local anesthesia instead of general anesthesia, we minimize the potential complications associated with anesthesia, making the process safer for you.

Furthermore, Simplecedure allows for quicker recovery times, allowing you to return home on the same day. Most procedures can be completed within an hour, and you can recover in the comfort of your own home instead of a hospital bed. Our patients report shorter recovery times, less pain, and reduced discomfort compared to traditional surgery.

At BetterWay Medical Group, we prioritize personalized care. In a hospital setting, you can often feel like just another number. With our in-office Simplecedure, you’ll receive individualized attention from our dedicated physicians and staff. We strive to make the procedure as easy as possible for you and your loved ones, providing the support you need throughout the process.

Cost is often a significant concern when it comes to medical procedures. With Simplecedure, we offer a more affordable alternative to hospital surgeries. By conducting the procedure in our office, we can reduce costs significantly, as we don’t require the same level of resources and facilities. Don’t burden yourself with excessive medical expenses when a convenient and safer option like Simplecedure is available.

Convenience is another key advantage of Simplecedure. Scheduling your appointment at a time that works best for you becomes hassle-free. You won’t have to navigate a large hospital facility or deal with extensive pre-surgery preparations. In most cases, you can even drive yourself home after the procedure, saving you the inconvenience of arranging transportation.

Choosing Simplecedure means opting for a familiar setting. Hospitals can be intimidating and stressful for many individuals. With our in-office procedure, you’ll find yourself surrounded by people you know and trust, providing a comforting environment during the treatment. You can communicate with your doctor throughout the procedure, further enhancing your peace of mind.

Take the first step towards finding relief from ganglion cysts. Contact BetterWay Medical Group today at 469-697-6437 for faster answers, or send us a message, and our team will promptly assist you. Trust our expertise and experience in providing effective ganglion cyst treatment and removal. Discover the benefits of Simplecedure – the reliable solution that prioritizes your well-being.

Remember, at BetterWay Medical Group, we know hands! Speak with a specialist today and find out how Simplecedure can improve your quality of life.

We Know Hands!

Speak with a specialist.

Find out if Simplecedure™– the quick, minimally invasive procedure that doesn’t require general anesthesia – can provide the relief you’re looking for.

Lower Cost, Same Day,
No Hospital Stay

Call us at 469-697-6437 for faster answers OR send us a message and we’ll get back to you right away!
